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The Loveliest Little Girl's Room Using The Rabat Stencil

Transitioning A Nursery Into a Lovely Little Girls Room Using the Rabat Stencil!

There comes a time when your not so little bundle of joy outgrows the nursery, that you spent at least 8 months designing with the perfect room decor and wall stencils. A little sadness fills your heart because your baby is not such a baby anymore. After all she's moving into a toddler bed and doing things all on her own. I hear the "awe" in the crowd! Hold it! Were we just thinking about toddler beds? That means that our mini monsters, um I mean bundle of joys, can now get out of their rooms on their own. Now that's a harsh reality that will break our dreamlike state! But I have great news for you, my DIY dreamers! Today Cutting Edge Stencils has the most lovely little girls' room that even the most defiant toddler would love to stay in! We're going to hop, skip and jump over to a project that was done by Raechel, an amazing DIYer from the blog Raechel Myers|Finding My Feet. Raechel had a beautiful nursery but she knew it was time to transition her daughter Hazel into a little girls room. It started with a swatch of bedding she found on the Land of Nod catalog. As the stars aligned, Raechel's pieces fell into place with pretty fabrics, pretty paint colors and a big, bold, geometric stencil- Rabat Allover Pattern. With that combination, she completely changed the her little girls' space! So Lovely! Raechel designed this dream room using the Rabat stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils and materials from Land of the Nod! On her blog, Raechal walks her readers through the transformation process. You can see a picture of the nursery below which is so sweet and absolutely gorgeous. Cool blue nursery belongs to Raechel Myers. Here she is working through the stenciling process. As Raechel says, "Oh, and do definitely invest in the Clip-On Stencil Leve. Not sure what would have become of my wall without it!" That's because its such an amazing tool that easily allows you to position the pattern when you're stenciling a wall. Raechel Mysers using the Rabat Stencil during the transition from a nursery to a big girl room. Ahh-Mazing!! I don't know about you but I love what a difference the Rabat Stencil makes in this little girl bedroom! Wow! This little girl's room using the Rabat stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils is just lovely! The bright bold pink and red stencil design completely transforms the old green nursery in to the loveliest little girls room! To get this look consider using Benjamin Moore's watermelon red 2087-20 and ribbon pink 2087-60. This sweet color combination is as adorable as a little girl's laughter. The light, luminous mid-tone pink bubbles happiness when paired with this upbeat exuberant red. Then Raechel added the perfect accents from the Land of the Nod. The outcome: possibly the most lovely little girls room I've seen! Wow! This little girl's room using the Rabat stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils is just lovely! PS. If you're looking to get all those fabulous rooms accents, check out the Land of the Nod's Winter catalogue (pages 28-31). Are you currently working on a room redo? We'd love to hear about your projects in the comments below! Haven't had enough?
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Thanks for reading and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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