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DIY Bone Inlay Painted Dresser Makeover

Use Stencils To Recreate An Anthropologie Bone Inlay Dresser

Good morning, my DIY friends. So who has about $2,500 to spend on a beautiful bone inlay piece of furniture? We'd like to see a raise of hands. Anyone? That's what we thought. Budgets are tight and while bone inlay furniture is often desired, the hefty price tags are not. That's where Cutting Edge Stencils is stepping in to share how you can use stencils to recreate your favorite bone inlay piece of furniture. Today we're sharing an awesome furniture makeover project using one of most popular furniture stencils, the Indian Inlay Stencil Kit. Come take a look. Cutting Edge Stencils shares a DIY Anthropogolie inspired bone inlay stenciled dresser using the Indian Inlay Stencil Kit. We'd like to introduce Titti,the creative blogger behind Shoestring Pavilion. This stay at home mama is constantly looking to improve her decor on a shoestring budget using awesome DIY projects. Her neighbors placed a large wooden dresser at the curb for garbage pick-up. Here's what it looked like: A before shot of a piece of furniture. Rather than see a piece of trash, Titti saw a ton of possibility. She considered painting it a solid color until she stumbled across her inspiration on the popular home decor and fashion website, Anthropologie. Recreate this Anthropologie bone inlay dresser using the Indian Inlay Stencil kit. The gorgeous ivory inlay dresser costs about $2,498 from Anthropologie. It was the perfect piece of inspiration for Titti. Rather than paint the curbside treasure a solid color, she chose to recreate the ivory inlay dresser using our Indian Inlay Stencil Kit. The Indian Inlay Stencil Kit from Cutting Edge Stencils. The first thing Titti did was sand off the old finish and then she stained the dresser using a homemade stain. She spills the beans on how she creates the homemade stain on her blog. After the stain was dry, Titti was ready to start stenciling. She positioned the stencil on the side of the dresser and used a bit of blue painters tape to hold it in place. If you're trying to recreate this, pour your paint onto a plate or paint tray. Titti used an ivory colored craft paint for the pattern. Dip your stencil brush into the paint. Brush off the excess paint onto your folded paper towel until the brush looks almost dry. The key to stenciling is using as little paint as possible. Too much paint will cause the design to bleed and smudge. Next you will paint the design onto the dresser with the stencil brush. Once the pattern is complete, you'll need to reposition the stencil to complete the design. Simply pick up the stencil, align it, and continue painting the pattern. Once the stencil was complete, Titti applied polyurethane to protect her painted furniture. To complete the piece, she added some decorative knobs. Presto chango, bet you would never guess this was an old dresser picked up off the curb! A DIY Anthropogolie inspired bone inlay stenciled dresser using the Indian Inlay Stencil Kit. We think it turned out beautiful! A DIY Anthropogolie inspired bone inlay stenciled dresser using the Indian Inlay Stencil Kit. Titti had this to say about her stencil project, "I really enjoyed the stencils and the end results are great!" A DIY Anthropogolie inspired bone inlay stenciled dresser using the Indian Inlay Stencil Kit. Here are some close up shots of her gorgeous stencil. A DIY Anthropogolie inspired bone inlay stenciled dresser using the Indian Inlay Stencil Kit. A DIY Anthropogolie inspired bone inlay stenciled dresser using the Indian Inlay Stencil Kit.

Tell us: What do you think of this DIY stenciled dresser? Leave us a comment below!

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Thanks for reading, and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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