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Customize A DIY Cornhole Board With A Stencil

Customize DIY Cornhole Boards With Stencil Patterns

Welcome back, my Cutting Edge Stencils friends. Cornhole, also known as bean bag toss, is one of the most popular backyard games. It's fun, easy to play, and the perfect activity for any outdoor gathering. While some cornhole boards can be plain, don't let it put a damper on your backyard style. We're going to show you how to put your creativity to good use and make your cornhole boards stylish using our tile stencils. Let's take a look. Cutting Edge Stencils shares a how to customize DIY wooden cornhole boards with tile stencil patterns. We purchased a set of plain wooden cornhole boards and decided to put a tiled twist on them using our Santa Ana Tile pattern and Jewel Tile pattern. For our visual fans, you're going to enjoy this quick video tutorial. In this short how-to video, we show fans how easy it is to stencil cornhole boards using a Tile Stencil pattern. Let's walk through the steps for completing this stylish twist on the fun backyard game. Erika purchased plain wooden cornhole boards from CornholeBoardsDOTus on Etsy. Plain wooden cornhole boards before the stenciling makeover. The first thing she did was tape a border about three quarters from the bottom of the board. Then she painted the section below the tape in white. Learn how to stencil a cornhole board using a tile stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Erika decided to give the boards two different looks using paint and pattern. For the first board she selected the small 6 inch Jewel Tile Stencil. With her stencil in hand, she was ready to start stenciling. She sprayed the back of the stencil with repositionable craft spray adhesive to help hold it in place while she painted the pattern. Erika positioned the stencil in the lower left hand corner and painted the design in Benjamin Moore's Fan Coral 013 using a two inch dense foam roller. Learn how to stencil a DIY cornhole board using a tile stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. After each Jewel Stencil was painted, she lifted it to reveal the jewel-like design. Then Erika repositioned the stencil to complete the bottom of the board. Learn how to stencil a DIY cornhole board using a Jewel Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. If you are recreating this project at home, please make sure you roll off any excess paint onto a piece of paper towel. Too much paint will cause the design to bleed. Erika placed a second piece of painter's tape about two inches above the first one. She painted this open section in Modern Master's metallic gold. Learn how to stencil a DIY cornhole board using a Jewel Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Erika painted the top portion of the board in the same color she used for the stencil, Benjamin Moore's Fan Coral. Learn how to stencil a DIY cornhole board using a Jewel Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. To enhance the circular bean bag open, Erika used the Large Polka Dot Stencil. Learn how to stencil a DIY cornhole board using a Jewel Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. She painted the circular border in Modern Master's metallic gold. Learn how to stencil a DIY cornhole board using a Jewel Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. For the second cornhole board, Erika chose the Santa Ana Tile Stencil. She painted the spanish-inspired tile pattern in Benjamin Moore's Palm Coast Teal 733 following the same steps as she did before. Learn how to stencil a DIY cornhole board using a Santa Ana Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. This board was enhanced with Modern Master's metallic silver around the circular cutout. Learn how to stencil a DIY cornhole board using a Santa Ana Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Are you ready to see how it all turned out? Here are Erika's stenciled cornhole boards. santa-ana-tile-stencil-diy-stenciled-cornhole-tutorial-jewel-stencils-backyard-games- Game on! Erika's personalized cornhole boards allow her to play the backyard game in style. We love how she used paint and a tile stencil to give this trendy game a custom look. santa-ana-tile-stencil-diy-stenciled-cornhole-tutorial-jewel-stencils-backyard-games Tell us, which stencil pattern would you use on your cornhole boards? Leave us a comment below, we'd love to read your thoughts! Haven't had enough stencil fun?
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Thanks for reading and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew