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One Stencil: Two Canvas Wall Art Projects

The Splash Wall Pattern Kit Stencils Creates Classy Canvas Wall Art: An Easy DIY Project

How's all my stencil lovin' peeps doing today? We've really been feeling the love lately especially over on Facebook thanks to all your likes and comments! Wait, are you missing out on the convo? Then get your toosh over to FB and give us a like! But back to the stencil love. One of the most popular comments I've seen is about how much ya'll can't wait to try Cutting Edge Stencils in your home, followed by BUT. Like “But stenciling a wall is too big of a job for me,” or, “But painting my walls is too much of a commitment.” And we completely hear what you're saying. In fact, Janna, the stencil mastermind behind our awesome stencil designs, has even said to try a small project to get yourself comfortable with stenciling. Today's Stencil Story is talking about just that! Here is a home decorating idea for those of us DIYers looking for a small stencil project to kick off our stencil itch! Let me get a round of applause for stenciled canvas wall art! Stenciling wall art pieces can be just your ticket to fun stenciled walls without the hard work and obligation! Hey, some things in life are just meant to be commitment free, so why not make stencils one of them! Create gorgeous wall art on canvas using the Splash Pattern Wall Stencil Kit. I want you meet Kristi, the crafty blogger behind Living Unbound. Kristi had never stenciled before when she decided that her bedroom was lacking something. She didn't want to commit to stenciling her whole wall and purchasing art for the space was outside of the budget. So Kristi decided to paint her own canvas wall art to hang above her bed. She carefully selected the Splash Wall Stencil Pattern Kit from Cutting Edge Stencils. And WALLA! Her finished project looks just gawgeous hangin' above her bed. The best part about this is that she not only got to be her own wall art designer but she has also had lots of fun creating her art! Using the Splash Pattern Wall Stencil Kit from Cutting Edge Stencils to create gorgeous wall art for a bedroom. Kristi didn't stop there! Didn't I mention the ole' stenciling itch? Yup, once you complete one stencil project you'll be itchin' to do another! And that's exactly what Krisi did. She had an empty wall in her dining room and an awesome set of reusable stencils. Even though she was using the same stencil to paint a new piece of canvas art, she still managed to make them look drastically different. What do you think? We love the stencil style she added to her space! Using the Splash Pattern Wall Stencil Kit create stunning canvas wall art for a dining room.

Material Checklist

Here's the inside scoop on how you can paint your own canvas wall art...

1. Decide how big you want your canvas wall art to be and purchase a canvas (or multiple canvases) from your local art store like Michaels or AC Moore. For Kristi's second project, she purchased four 16x20 canvases. 2. Paint the background of the canvas which ever color you choose. For Kristi's second project she painted two black and two white. 3. Next pour some of the acrylic paint into a paper plate. 4. Decide how you would like to position your stencil. There is not right or wrong for a project like this so do what suits your personal preference. Secure the stencil with a bit of blue painters tape. 5. Using a foam roller or the bristle brush, carefully paint over the stencil putting enough pressure on the roller/brush so the paint will adhere to the canvas, but not too much. We don't want the paint to seep under the stencil. 6. Once the first stencil is done, wait about 1-2 minutes and then carefully lift the stencil. Then you can use a small paintbrush to touch up any areas. See I told you- Easy Peasy! Can’t get enough?
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Thanks for reading, and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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