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The Bright Side to Stenciling Yellow

Cutting Edge Stencils Shares Stunning Yellow Stencil Ideas for Walls and Crafts

Butter, wheat, lemon, mustard, saffron...
No,Cutting Edge Stencils is not naming ingredients, just a few of our favorite stenciling colors! There are as many names for yellow as there are flavors in the world, yet every one seems to evoke the same feeling: happiness. And why shouldn't it? Yellow is the color of sunshine and a cool glass of lemonade. If there was an official color of summer, it would surely be yellow. It’s cheerful, energizing, and this warm hue never fails to raise spirits and warm hearts just like those bright sunny Summer days.
Whether you're stenciling an accent wall or an accessory, yellow is the best color to turn to if you want add a little Summer sunshine to your space. Take a look at a few of our favorite yellow stenciled projects...
Yellow stenciled spaces and diy craft ideas to add a little sunshine to your home decor!
The right shade of yellow can easily add the perfect pop of color to any decor. Meet Heather, the crafty blogger behind Twenty Something. She fell in love with the color of her forsythia plant and when it came time to add a pop of color to her kitchen nook she knew exactly what color to choose! She decided to stencil a set of curtains using a lovely shade of lemon and our Zagora Stencil. So cheerful, right? Stencil your own yellow curtains using the Zagora Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Whoa! Talk about adding a pop of color! The Idea Room added a bit of yellow sunshine to the all-white bathroom with the Anna Damask stenciled rug. The Anna Damask Stencil in yellow adds the perfect pop of stenciled color to this bathroom! Feeling a bit more daring? Meet Julia, the creative blogger behind Shangri La Lane. Julia painted an Ikea dresser a mustard shade of yellow and then stenciled the Casablanca Craft Stencil in white. Julia says, "Let me just add…that it’s really nice to have a little spot of sunshine, no matter how gloomy it may actually be outside." Stencil a piece of a bright sunny yellow using our Casablanca Craft Stencil! Now if you're totally lusting over this happy hue, an accent wall might be the way to go! Meet Nikki, the clever crafter behind The Ambitious Procrastinator. She painted her studio a bright canary yellow and then stenciled the Birch Forest Stencil in white. It's bright demeanor works wonders for this work space. Stencil an accent wall in a cherry yellow using the Birch Forest Stencil! We're just loving the golden yellow glow in Erin's craft room. Erin, from How To Nest For Less, painted her craft room a golden hue and at first it was a little bright for her taste. Once she added the Marrakech Trellis Stencil, not only did it tone down the burst of yellow but it added to the room's sophistication. Stencil the Marrakech Trellis Stencil in yellow, an energetic cheery color. Whether you choose to stencil light or bright, this happy hue works well with any size room or lighting condition.

Would you stencil in yellow? Leave us a comment below!

For more on stencils:
  • Shop our Stencils and find the perfect one for your yellow space!
  • Check out our other stencil videos!
  • Once you complete that stencil project, come share it on Facebook!
Thanks for watching and reading! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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