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Complete A Room With Stenciled Curtains

Wall Stencils Give Plain White Curtains A Cheery Boost

Good morning, my Cutting Edge Stencils friends. Did you know it's so easy to transform your curtains from simple to stylish in one afternoon using our stencils? Stenciling plain curtains is an affordable way to create custom drapery and truly complete the look of your room. Come see how one DIY blogger used Chrysanthemum Flower Stencil to customize her plain white curtain panels.

Cutting Edge Stencils shares how to customize plain white curtain panels using chalk paint and a flower stencil pattern. Cutting Edge Stencils shares how to customize plain white curtain panels using chalk paint and a flower stencil pattern.

We'd like to welcome back Kristin, the creative gal behind BB Frösch Chalk Paint Powder wrote a guest post on All Things Thrifty about her latest stencil project. Kristin has been working on a playroom/guest bedroom for her grandkids. The fun loving space is filled with bright colors and playful accents like metal locker storage. You can stop by Brooke's blog, All Things Thrifty, to read more about it. The one thing the room was missing was curtains. Kristin had spotted plain white curtains on clearance at World Market. She snatched them up but their lack of personality didn't fit the space. Learn how to stencil curtains in a girl's bedroom using the Chrysanthemum Grande Flower Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Kristin is so creative and her blog is filled with creative projects so it's no surprise that she took these plain curtains and put a stenciled spin on it. She had the Chrysanthemum Grande Flower Stencil left over from a previous project. Flower-stencil-design With her stencil in hand, she was ready to start stenciling. She placed the plain curtain panels on a flat surface. It can be helpful to place a plastic tablecloth underneath the curtains to catch any paint bleed. Use blue painters tape to position the stencil on the panel and paint the design using a dense foam roller. Remember too much paint on your roller will cause the design to bleed. Roll off any extra paint onto a piece of paper towel. Kristin painted the pretty flower stencil using BB Frosch Chalk paint in Sugar Poppy and Guava Jelly. Learn how to stencil curtains in a girl's bedroom using the Chrysanthemum Grande Flower Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Chalk paint dries very quickly so once she finished stenciling, the curtains were ready to hang. Are you ready to see how they turned out? Here are Kristin's stenciled curtains. She posted on Instagram, "The playroom/guest room has curtains! I used leftover chalkpaint from my locker project (colors Behr PaintGuava Jelly and Sugar Poppy) and the Chrysanthemum stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils to give plain white curtains from World Market a BBFrosch makeover. I also had a couple of plain pillow covers from Ikea sitting around, so those got quick makeover too." DIY stenciled curtains in a girl's bedroom using the Chrysanthemum Grande Flower Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. We love how this custom curtain project turned out. The curtains match this adorable room perfectly and we love that they were budget friendly. DIY stenciled curtains in a girl's bedroom using the Chrysanthemum Grande Flower Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Tell us, what stencil pattern would you use to customize your curtains? Leave us your thoughts in the comments below! Haven’t had enough stencil fun?
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Thanks for reading and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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