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Emerald is Pantone's "Gem" of the Year in 2013

Pantone Chooses Emerald as Color of the Year 2013

Lots of life's best entities are green: money, nature, Cutting Edge Stencils' products; well, those are environmentally "green," but you get what I'm sayin'! Maybe that's why Pantone chose EMERALD as its 2013 Color of the Year! I am so thrilled with this choice for sooooo many reasons! First of all, Emerald just happens to be THIS GIRL'S (and every other May baby's) birthstone! Those pretty little green gems symbolize patience, understanding, and foresight! We know you're dying to find out what Emerald emanates when it is applied to your interior design, but first let's understand how it was selected! How to use Emerald with stencils for a great painting idea! Why Emerald? According to Pantone's press release on its 2013 color selection, Emerald was chosen based off of its popularity in pop culture as well as socio-economical conditions! The color of the year always has to be one that makes a statement all over the globe, all over the media, and everywhere in between! The entertainment industry, popularly traveled places, advancements in technology, worldwide sporting events, and the availability of new textures were all thoroughly examined before Pantone came to the ultimate decision of its 2013 Color of the Year: EMERALD! If Green Doesn't Mean Envy, What IS it Saying? "Lively. Radiant. Lush… A color of elegance and beauty that enhances our sense of well-being, balance and harmony." Pantone's description of Emerald has me mesmerized and completely on board! Anything that can transmit such a powerful emotional magnetism, is an A+ and out-of-the-park homerun in my book! Keep in mind this is a COLOR! The mere COLOR of Emerald can take you to a place where you FEEL brilliancy, sophistication, and luxury! Pantone says that Emerald is known to convey new life, renewal, healing, and unity; which gives us a sense of calm in times of chaos. What makes this color all the more fascinating is that the human eye picks up tones of green more abundantly than any other color! Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, said, "This powerful and universally-appealing tone translates easily to both fashion and home interiors." What Will Emerald Bring to the Design of Your Home? Pantone LOVES the idea of using Emerald to rejuvenate the interior of your home! They tell us that using this classy green for your walls AND home decor is a major win-win! Emerald is even a great accent color! Pantone is convinced and therefore very convincing that this green will give your entryway, powder room, dining room, and/or living room the greatest sense of luxury! Dinnerware, stemware and appliances can also share in the green limelight! How is Cutting Edge Stencils in on This Green Action? Cutting Edge Stencils would never dismiss a color with such vibrancy and beauty! So, we wanted to show you how YOU can achieve a successfully sophisticated Emerald in your home by using our stencil patterns! We've taken a few rooms void of any green, and transformed them into Emerald masterpieces! Check them out! Mermaid stencil pattern from Cutting Edge Stencils designed in Pantone's Emerald 2013 Color of the Year This room was stenciled using Cutting Edge Stencils' Mermaid Allover wall stencil! In the picture on the right, we've totally changed the look by showing you how to incorporate Emerald into the design of the room! Doesn't it look gaw-geous!? Covington stenciled rug and decor decked out in Emerald: 2013 Pantone Color of the Year The room above has Cutting Edge Stencils' Covington Allover stencil design on the rug! We've changed the colors to create the room on the right that completely embodies Emerald! I know, know; you love it! Chevron painted dresser using Emerald: Pantone's Color of the Year 2013 Finally, we've found this lavishly modern dresser on House Beautiful's site! This home decor piece was painted with a Chevron pattern in Emerald and white! The rich green color totally compliments the light blue hue of the room, doesn't it?! Want more info on 2013 home decorating trends?:
  • Read our Stencil Stories blog post: Stenciling with Painting Ideas of 2013
  • Visit Benjamin Moore's Color Chats for more news on color trends of the season!
  • "Like" us on Facebook to see the latest stencil projects done by our customers!
Thanks for reading, and happy stenciling! Melissa and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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