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How To Stencil Cinder block Planters

Create Cinderblock Planters using Stencils

Hey there, Cutting Edge Stencils friends! It is the season for some amazing DIY gardening projects like cinder block planters! Take ordinary cinder blocks to the next level with a Tile Stencil! With sophisticated colors, we transformed $2 cinder blocks into the newest gardening craze. These trendy stenciled planters will be the topic of conversation at your next BBQ! We love how easy these DIY stenciled cinder block planters can be created. Try it out! Cinder Block Tile Planters using Stencils For this DIY project we are bringing back our in-house stenciling queen, Erika. Introducing cinder block planters is an easy way to add a fun accessory to a garden without breaking the bank. Erika will show you how easy it is for anyone to create a focal point for their garden. Take a quick peek at this video tutorial before we begin: [kkytv id="7iR-cMF2fro" width="550"] If you don't have any cinder blocks laying in your backyard, you can purchase some at a local hardware store for a few dollars! We used a Benjamin Moore black, Navajo white, and a Copper Metallic by Martha Stewart for the paints. You can choose from a variety of our stencils for this project. Here, we chose our popular Augusta Tile Stencil. Because the cinder blocks have a porous texture, we recommend that you use a small stencil brush to get into all the nooks and crannies to create a solid color! Don't be afraid to play around with different paint colors for a multi color design! Peel back the stencil from the cinder block planter and check out how amazing the stencil pattern came out! Amazing what a stencil and a little paint can do! On this specific cinder block planter we covered all sides for a more dramatic stenciled planter. You can stencil as few or as many as you'd like. There's no making a mistake! Our tile stencils are very versatile! You can use various sections of the Santa Ana Tile stencil to change up the look of each cinder block like we did below. Anyone can design these cinder blocks like a pro! Once all of your cinder block planters have dried, you can begin planting! Add gorgeous flowers and botanicals to bring your cinder block planters to life! This DIY project is so simple but still transforms this garden into a backyard oasis! Plus, you can take pride in knowing that you stenciled and painted them yourself and for only a few dollars each! What do you think of these budget friendly stenciled planters? Tell us, which spot in your yard is ready for a stencil update? We’d love to read your thoughts in the comments below. Haven’t had enough stencil fun?
  • Shop our Tile Stencils and add style to your home today.
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Thanks for reading and happy stenciling! Karli and The Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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