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How to Stencil a Coffee Table with the Covington Pattern

Cutting Edge Stencils Shares Simple Steps For Stenciling a Coffee Table

Welcome back, my makeover mavins! Are you sitting on the couch with your feet resting on the coffee table and your laptop in hand while reading today's post? Well, Cutting Edge Stencils would like you to take a quick look at that table that your piggies are resting on. Does it look like it belongs in a pig pen rather than your cozy home? New furniture might be out of the question but giving old furniture new life using paint and stencils is always an option. In fact, today we're going to show you how easy it is to transform a side table using paint and a pretty pattern. DIY Stenciled table tutorial using the Covington Stencil. We'd like you to meet Gwen, the DIY enthusiast behind the blog The Bold Abode. Gwen was on her way to the store when she spotted this item next to a dumpster. Before shot of a stenciled table using the Covington Stencil. She tossed it into the back of her car and excitedly brought it home. Her living room needed a coffee table and she was super excited to find this abandoned piece and bring it back to life. It was a solid wood table with a little bit of wear and tear. Gwen decided to sand the table and paint it a cool shade of blue, similar to her living room walls. Once it was painted, she felt it needed a little pattern to give it some personality. Gwen chose our Covington Allover stencil pattern, a classy geometric design. She painted the stencil pattern in a deep red, similar to her area rug. Once it was all complete, she had the perfect spot to rest her tootsies while she read her favorite book. Gwen had this to say about her new coffee table, "We are really loving it!" DIY Stenciled table tutorial using the Covington Stencil. Do you love this stenciled coffee table idea? We thought you would! We have the step-by-step, courtesy of The Bold Abode right below. DIY Stenciled table tutorial using the Covington Stencil. Here's What You'll Need:
  • A stencil (for this project the Covington Allover stencil was used)
  • Wooden coffee table
  • Blue painters tape
  • Sandpaper
  • (2) Paint Colors
  • Paper plate or painter tray
  • Dense Foam Roller (<--- We like this one)
  • Paper Towel
  • Sandpaper
  • Miniwax Fast Drying Polyurethane

Here are the Simple Steps for Creating a Stenciled Side Table:

1. Gather Materials and Prep the Table: Start the stencil project by gathering all of the materials listed above. You'll need to lightly sand the table and remove any existing finish. Then paint the table the desired color. For this project, Gwen used a cool blue paint color similar to Benjamin Moore's blue bay marina 1655. DIY Stenciled table tutorial using the Covington Stencil. 2. Start Stenciling: Position the stencil design on the top of the table. We recommend using painter’s tape to secure the stencil in place. Gwen found it useful to use Elmer's Multi-Purpose Spray Adhesive, though it's not required for a project like this. Pour your paint onto a plate or paint tray. Gwen used Martha Stewart Living Metallic Specialty paint in rust. Then using your dense foam roller, dip it into the paint. Roll off the excess paint onto your folded paper towel until the roller looks almost dry. The key to stenciling is using as little paint as possible. Too much paint will cause the design to bleed and smudge. Next you will paint the design onto the table with the dense foam roller. DIY Stenciled table tutorial using the Covington Stencil. 3. Complete the Stencil Pattern: Depending on the size of the tabletop, you may have to reposition the stencil to complete the pattern. Simply pick up the stencil, align it, and continue painting the pattern. 4. Finish the Table: Allow the paint to dry and then apply a clear coat finish, like Miniwax Fast Drying Polyurethane.

Ready to see the DIY stenciled table? Here it is!

DIY Stenciled table tutorial using the Covington Stencil.

Tell us: What do you think of this painted and stenciled coffee table? Leave us a comment below!

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Thanks for reading, and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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