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Embellish Your Windows With Stenciled Curtains

Learn How to Stencil Curtains Using the Sari Paisley Pattern

Welcome back, my DIY makeover mavens! Today we want to chat about window treatments. Yup you see those frilly disasters handing around your windows? Well they're screaming for a pick-me-up! Cutting Edge Stencils feels that window treatments truly complete the look of a room. If you've had your eye on designer curtains but can't bring yourself to spend the $$$ or the size doesn't fit your peculiarly- shaped window, then you're going to like this tutorial. Stenciling curtains is an easy and affordable way to embellish your windows. Let's take a look. DIY stenciled curtains using the Sari Paisley stencil pattern. We'd like to introduce Sarah, the clever DIY blogger behind The Red Headed Stepchild. Sarah had a sad little window in her sad little office that let in a sad amount of light. Can you spot a pattern here? Sarah decided that curtains would help draw attention to the window. She fell in love with a set of white curtains with a paisley pattern from West Elm except it was a shower curtain and wouldn't fit her odd size window. Here it is: A paisley shower curtain from West Elm that can be achieve by stenciling the Sari Paisley. Sarah put her DIY thinking cap on and came up with plan B. She decided to craft her own curtains using a stencil. She bought a pair of curtain panels from Ikea and painted them using our Sari Paisley Stencil pattern. Sarah says, "It’s funny: in the grand scheme of things going on in this room, these curtains aren’t a HUGE addition. And yet somehow, they magically transform the space into a much more cohesive, finished room." Here is the scoop on how to stencil curtains (this project comes from The Red Headed Stepchild): DIY stenciled curtains using the Sari Paisley stencil pattern.

First you're gonna need this stuff listed below:

  • curtain panels (white RITVA curtains from Ikea were used for this project)
  • A stencil (for this project the medium Sari Paisley Stencil was used)
  • Stencil Brush <--- We prefer the one in this link.
  • Painter's tape
  • Small paint tray or plastic plate
  • Paper towels
  • plastic tablecloth
  • Craft paint found at Michaels or JoAnns
1. Gather Materials: Start the stencil project by gathering all of the materials listed above. If it's needed, iron the curtain panels to remove any wrinkles. DIY stenciled curtains using the Sari Paisley stencil pattern. 2. Secure The Stencil: Find a flat surface to complete your stencil process, like the floor or large table. First, you'll need to put down a plastic tablecloth on the floor and secure it with tape. Then place the curtain panel on top of the plastic tablecloth. Position the stencil design on the curtain panel. Then you can secure the stencil in place using painter's tape. DIY stenciled curtains using the Sari Paisley stencil pattern. 3. Start Stenciling: Pour your craft paint onto a plate or paint tray. Then dip your stencil brush into the paint and blot off the excess paint onto your folded paper towel until the brush looks almost dry. It is key to use as little paint as possible when stenciling. Too much paint will cause the design to bleed and smudge. Next you will paint the design onto the curtain panel with the stencil brush. For this project, Sarah mixed two craft paints together. Unfortunately, she did not mix enough and had to remix more paint which made it very difficult to match the color exactly. If you're going to mix a custom color then be sure to mix a large amount. DIY stenciled curtains using the Sari Paisley stencil pattern. 4. Complete the Pattern: Allow the paint to dry a little and reposition the stencil so you can continue to paint the pattern on the entire curtain panel. Let the paint dry for about two hours before hanging the curtains. DIY stenciled curtains using the Sari Paisley stencil pattern. Are you ready to see Sarah's new curtains? Here they are hanging in her office. She says, "The finished result is spectacular." We think they look absolutely amazing! DIY stenciled curtains using the Sari Paisley stencil pattern. Here is a close-up of the stencil work. Sarah mentions that this was a "project that had me jumping up and down and clapping immediately!" DIY stenciled curtains using the Sari Paisley stencil pattern.

Tell us, what do you think of the idea of stenciling curtains? Leave us a comment below.

Can’t get enough stencil fun?
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Thanks for reading, and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew