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Tile Stencil Renovation Hack under $10

How to Paint Old Floors using a Tile Stencil

Welcome back, Cutting Edge Stencils crew! We have a super easy renovation hack for you today! A tile stencil is the best alternative to actual tile replacement on any floor! Not only is it affordable, but it is beautiful! The best part about our stencils is that they make it easy for you to transform your floor on a small budget and without the hassle of removing your existing tile! Stencils give such a sophisticated look to any room and anyone can do this DIY hack at home! Let's check out our Marlen Tile Stencil! Erika began by lightly sanding the floor with fine sand paper. This just breaks the gloss of the tile and allows the primer to bond better. Then, Erika cleaned the floor. You can use TSP or a similar cleaner to ensure the floor is dirt and grease free. Once the floor has been properly cleaned, Erika primed it using Stix Waterborne Bonding Primer by Insl-x. STIX primer is perfect for a stencil project like this because it adheres to the floor and provides a great base for painting and stenciling. After the primer was dry, Erika applied her Navajo White base coat. Any good quality flat paint will do! And remember, all durability is achieved with your clear top coats so it is okay to use a flat base coat and a flat stencil paint. Flat paints are best for stenciling because less paint seepage (bleed) will occur. Tile-stencil-floor-design-tiles-patternSpray adhesive is optional but it can really help with reducing paint seepage and give you a crisper print! She sprayed the back of her Marlen Tile Stencil and pressed it in place. Tile-stencil-floor-design-tiles-pattern The paint colors that were used for this colorful stenciled tile floor is Ben Moore Philipsburg Blue, Nantucket Fog, and Toffee Cream. They blend so nicely to give a pop of color without being too flashy! As she stenciled along the floor, she aligned each tile stencil with the previously painted stencil. This easy to use registration keeps your tile rows even! Our DIY tile stencils make it so simple for anyone to create their own stencil masterpiece. Tile-stencil-floor-design-tiles-pattern Erika used a small stencil brush to pounce the three different paint colors onto the tile floor. Simply load and offload the stencil brush to remove any excess paint to help prevent bleed. Don’t be afraid to play around with different paint colors for a multi color tile design! Tile-stencil-floor-design-tiles-patternPeel back the stencil from the tile floor and check out how perfect the stencil pattern came out! Amazing what a stencil and a little creativity can do. Touch up any spots with another small stencil brush if needed! Tile-stencil-floor-design-tiles-patternOnce the entire tile floor was stenciled over, she completes the project by applying two coats of water-based Polyurethane. Adding these coats increases the protection and durability of the tile stencil pattern- You don’t want to forget that step! Let’s just take a moment to appreciate how her hard work has paid off! Make sure you check out the video to see how easy the project really was! Tile-stencil-floor-design-tiles-pattern Where would you place this DIY tile stenciled floor ? Comment below with your thoughts! Can’t get enough of Cutting Edge Stencils:
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Thanks for reading and happy stenciling! Karli and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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