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How To: Stencil an Elegant Tile Floor

DIY Stenciled Floor Using a Tile Stencil

Hey there, Cutting Edge Stencil friends! Want to upgrade your floor but don’t know how? Tile stencils are the easy and affordable solution. With the right tile stencil and some paint, you can transform a boring floor into an elegant one! Let’s get stenciling! stenciled alatera tile floor collage First check out our video to see the steps in action:
stenciled alatera tile floor primerFor a cement floor, apply two coats of Stix primer (any good adhesive primer will do) allowing the first coat to completely dry before starting the next. Then repeat the process with Benjamin Moore Stone for the perfect grey canvas. stenciled alatera tile floor productsThe stencil used for this DIY stencil project upgrade is the Alatera Tile Stencil. The paint used for the stencil itself was Benjamin Moore Dove White. Spray adhesive is optional and can help reduce paint seepage but, is not necessary. Since there is only one color you can use a 4” dense foam roller or a large professional stencil brush to complete this stencil project. stenciled alatera tile floor placementPlace your stencil in your desired starting location. Pro Tip: To make sure the stencil is straight, align the edge of the stencil with your baseboard. stenciled alatera tile floor first tileStart stenciling with your professional stencil brush or roller. The design may look intricate but, it’s not difficult to stencil at all! If using a stencil roller, make sure you offload the excess paint. This helps reduce paint seepage. The same applies when using a stencil brush. Offload the excess paint just like the roller. The biggest mistake in stenciling is having too much paint on your brush or roller. This tile stencil covers a large amount of space, which allows you to quickly stencil the whole floor! stenciled alatera tile floor first peel stenciled alatera tile floor first tilePeel back your stencil to reveal the gorgeous tile! How easy was that? stenciled alatera tile floor alignment stenciled alatera tile floor tile alignmentAlign your stencil using the built-in registration marks and the previously stenciled parts. This makes it effortless to maintain straight stencil rows! stenciled alatera tile floor second stencil stenciled alatera tile floor still stencilingRepeat the process until the floor is complete. Such a simple technique with an elegant result! Who needs a professional when you can do it yourself with tile stencils? stenciled alatera tile floor baseboard alignmentTo stencil the floor where it meets the baseboard, align the stencil with the previously stenciled parts. Use a professional stencil brush to pounce the paint diagonally towards the crease. Don’t be afraid to bend the stencil into the crease with your fingers so you can stencil right up against the baseboard. stenciled alatera tile floor peel baseboardPeel back your stencil to see your magnificent floor! stenciled alatera tile floor polyurethaneSeal your stenciled tile floor with a water-based polyurethane. A 4” dense foam roller and two even coats should provide years of durability! stenciled alatera tile floor finalHow perfect is this elegant tile floor? Nobody will ever know you created it so quickly and easily with a stencil! Where would you use this tile stencil? Let us know in the comments below! Can’t get enough of Cutting Edge Stencils: Thanks for reading and happy stenciling!

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