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What's your Stencil Pattern IQ?

Cutting Edge Stencils Tests Your Stencil Pattern Knowledge With An IQ Design Quiz

Happy Friday, my pretty pattern lusting friends! Before we kick off a weekend full of fun stenciling projects, Cutting Edge Stencils has a amusing game to play with you today. Its no secret that we all love the look of pretty patterns especially in our home decor, right? Right! But when push comes to shove or in our case when Chevron comes to Herringbone, do you think you would know the difference between these two zig zag patterns? Well that's exactly what we're going to see in our little test below. Ready to test your stencil pattern IQ and have some fun? Then lets get started!

Stencil Pattern Quiz

Here's how it works. We've put together ten of our most popular stencil patterns along with a quick description. Grab a pen and paper because you have to match up the pattern name with the stencil design. There is a list of stencil names to choose from on the top of the quiz. Have fun and see how you rate at the bottom of the quiz. Think you know your Chevron from Herringbone stencil? Take our fun quiz to see how well you really know your stencil patterns! ANSWERS: (Don't peak before take the test!)
1. Chevron Allover Stencil 2. Casablanca Allover Stencil 3. Houndstooth Allover Stencil 4. Ikat Bukara Stencil (Ikat scores a point) 5. Anna Damask Stencil 6. Herringbone Allover Stencil 7. Zebra Allover Stencil 8. Harlequin Trellis Allover Stencil 9 Fishscale Allover Stencil 10. Vintage Paisley Stencil
Tally up that total and lets see how you did! 8-10 correct answers: Stencil Stud! Way to go you pattern prowess! You have a superior knowledge of stencil patterns making you a stencil style star. Not only do you know your stencil designs but you know how to use them! 5-7 correct answers: Sensible Stenciler! You've got your eye on the pulse of home decor and can probably name all the trendy stencil patterns. Congratulations on your mastery of these popular designs! 1-4 correct answers: Stencil Underdog! Ok, so maybe you didn't fair as well as you would have liked but we believe in you. Love the look of these stencil patterns? That's half the battle. Your innate interest in home decor and stencil patterns will have you leaping to a Stencil Stud in no time! 0 correct answers: Have you thought about signing up for our newsletter :)

What's your stencil pattern IQ? Tell us in the comments below!

Looking for more stencil fun: Thanks for watching and reading! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew