How To Stencil A 3D Flower In 5 Easy Steps
Cutting Edge Stencils wants to show you how you can take your stenciling skills to the next level with our Dutch and
Flemish Tulip stencils. 3D
Floral wallpaper is a super hot accent wall trend that we see rapidly growing on Etsy, Pinterest, and our favorite home decor blogs. This specific
stenciling project only takes a few minutes. Also, there is no mess or hassle when you want to remove it. Removing wallpaper or wall decals can be extremely messy and pricy! When you stencil your walls and feel it is time for a change, you can simply paint over it! Let's begin!!

In this video, we will teach you how shading your stencils in the right areas can change the look of your stencil in dramatic way! Once you get the hang of how to shade within your
wall stencils for painting, this new skill can be used with a variety of Cutting Edge's stencils!
Apply spray adhesive to the back of your stencil and hang it with blue painters tape on your wall! Roll on Deco Art's Forest Green acrylic paint over stencil number 1, covering the entire stem.

Align your stencil to add height to the flower design!

Then take Folkart's Raw Umber acrylic paint and shade only one side of the stem! Then, do the same thing for both of the leaves.

Now take Anita's Powder Green acrylic paint and dry brush the opposite side of the stem. This will give it great dimension!

Position stencil number 2 on the wall! Apply white latex paint. (Pro Tip: Latex paint is more opaque than acrylic)

Once dried, shade the bottom and tips of the flower with your Raw Umber color. It is very important to use a dry brushing technique while shading. The brush should have little be paint and should basically be dry.

Now take stencil number 3 (aka the overlay) and place it ontop of the white once it is dry. With either a dense foam roller or a three to quarter inch professional stencil brush, fill in the design with Folkart's Cardinal Red acrylic paint.

Then, shade the bottom and tips again with Raw Umber.

Last but not least, place your masking stencil over the flower. Go back in and shade with your Raw Umber color. Use the dry brushing technique again for the perfect shadow.

Repeat the same process for your next Flemish Tulip Stencil. You can repeat as many times as you would like to complete your entire accent wall! Look how gorgeous this 3D Flemish Tulip Accent wall came out!

Can’t get enough of Cutting Edge Stencils:
Thanks for reading and happy stenciling!
Karli & The Cutting Edge Stencils Crew