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Before and After: A Thrift Store Bookshelf Makeover

Stencils Can Easily Update A Thrift Store Bookshelf

Good morning, my Cutting Edge Stencils friends! Thrift stores and garage sales are ripe with budget-friendly finds, but often what you score secondhand needs a little updating. Stencils are an easy and inexpensive way to take an old piece of furniture from trash to treasure. Come take a look at how a thrift store find was transformed into a wow-worthy furnishing.

Cutting Edge Stencils shares how to stencil a thrift store bookshelf using the Drifting Arrows Stencil.

We'd like to welcome back Erin, one of the creative DIYers behind the blog DIY Passion. Erin and her husband, Dan, have been tackling one home decor project after another in their home. They recently brightened up their hallway using the Drifting Arrows Allover Stencil. Do you remember this pretty space (read about here)? A DIY white stenciled hallway makeover using the Drifting Arrows Allover stencil. Well Erin is back at it again and this time she's reusing her Drifting Arrows Allover Stencil to transform a thrift store bookshelf. She was in the process of updating her foyer when she spotted an old bookshelf at a thrift store for $5. A $5 wooden thrift store bookshelf before its painted and stenciled makeover. She loved that it was natural wood but wasn't a fan of the cherry hue so she cleaned it and then used a sander to remove the stain. She stained the top and the side using Minwax Gel Stain in Aged Oak. Then she taped off the outer edges and painted the inside of the shelf using PARA Paints’ Carved Out Glacier. Stenciling a thrift store bookshelf using the Drifting Arrows Allover Stencil. Once it was stained and painted, Erin felt a pretty pattern would enhance its look. Since she already had the Drifting Arrows Allover Stencil on hand, the lace-like pattern made perfect sense. Erin removed the shelves from the bookcase. She used painters tape to hold the stencil in place and painted the geometric arrow pattern in graphite gray acrylic craft paint. Stenciling a thrift store bookshelf using the Drifting Arrows Allover Stencil. After the bookshelf was stenciled, Erin gave it a couple of coats of a Polycrylic sealant and and added upholstery nail heads for detail. Are you ready to see how this $5 thrift store buy was transformed? Here it is! A DIY stenciled bookshelf using the Drifting Arrows Allover Stencil. Here is a close up of the pretty pattern. A DIY thrift store bookshelf makevoer using the Drifting Arrows Allover Stencil. A DIY stenciled bookshelf using the Drifting Arrows Allover Stencil. Erin said, "I’m not sure I could love this makeover anymore. " We are so happy to hear that! A DIY thrift store bookshelf makevoer using the Drifting Arrows Allover Stencil. Tell us, what do you think of this thrift store bookcase makeover? We know they're all pretty awesome so it's hard to choose. Leave us a comment below!
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Thanks for reading, and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew