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Decorate A Plain Ikea Table With A Mandala Stencil

Mandala Stencils Can Enhance Plain Ikea Furniture

Welcome back, my Cutting Edge Stencils friends. Do you love Ikea furniture as much as we do? It's affordable and practical but sometimes its simplicity needs a dash of style. That's where we step in! We're going to show you how paint and our Mandala Stencil Collection can enhance plain Ikea furniture. Let's take a look. Cutting Edge Stencils shares how to enhance plain Ikea nesting tables using the Atma Mandala Stencil. We purchased a set of plain white nesting tables from Ikea and decided to put a stylish spin on it using our new Atma Mandala Stencil. For our visual fans, you're going to love this video tutorial. In this quick how-to video, we show fans how easy it is to stencil a small white Ikea table using an Atma Mandala pattern. Let's walk through the steps for completing this simple stencil project. Erika purchased a set of plain white KRAGSTA nesting tables from Ikea. For this tutorial, we used the smaller of the two tables. An plain white Ikea side table before its stenciled makeover. The small round table was functional but its plain appearance was unappealing. Erika decided that paint and a stencil pattern would be the perfect way to enhance this simple item. She browsed our large collection of Mandala Stencils and chose the new Atma Mandala pattern. It comes in a range of sizes, including a 12 inch, which makes it a perfect choice for a project like this. The Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. To start her furniture project, Erika applied the areas she planned to paint and stencil with a coat of Zinsser waterbased primer. She used a low grade sandpaper to smooth out the primer. After it was dry, she was ready to start stenciling. She applied a repositionable craft spray adhesive to the back of the stencil and positioned it on the top of the table. Erika painted the design with a stencil brush in Modern Masters black and metallic gold paint. Learn how to stencil a plain Ikea nesting table using the Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils in Modern Masters metallic paint. If you are recreating this project at home, please make sure you brush off any excess paint onto a piece of paper towel. Too much paint will cause the design to bleed. Learn how to stencil a plain Ikea nesting table using the Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils in Modern Masters gold and black metallic paint. Learn how to stencil a plain Ikea nesting table using the Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils in Modern Masters metallic paint. Erika lifted the stencil to reveal her Mandala pattern and then stepped back to admire her project. Learn how to stencil a plain Ikea nesting table using the Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils in Modern Masters metallic paint. The pretty Mandala pattern gave the plain table an instant style boost but Erika didn't stop there! She gave the legs a glittering gold statement. She taped off the bottom, coated them using Zinsser primer and painted them gold using Modern Masters metallic gold paint. Learn how to stencil a plain Ikea nesting table using the Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils in Modern Masters metallic paint. Are you ready to see how it all turned out? Here is Erika's stenciled Ikea table. Learn how to stencil a plain Ikea nesting table using the Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils in Modern Masters metallic paint. Learn how to stencil a plain Ikea nesting table using the Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils in Modern Masters metallic paint. Erika totally banished the boring look of her table using a trendy stencil pattern. We love the stylish character that this newly stenciled piece has now! Learn how to stencil a plain Ikea nesting table using the Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils in Modern Masters metallic paint. Learn how to stencil a plain Ikea nesting table using the Atma Mandala Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils in Modern Masters metallic paint. Tell us, which Mandala stencil pattern would you use on a plain table? Leave us a comment below, we'd love to read your thoughts! Haven't had enough stencil fun?
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Thanks for reading and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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