Wallpaper or Stencils? Unique DIY Home Decor Projects
Wallpaper or Stencils
Stencils are a great
DIY alternative to
wallpaper for a number of reasons. With
stencils you have an easy no mess application, stencils are much more affordable, they are reusable and to top it off you can choose the perfect paint colors to match the rest of your
home decor. In addition, with stencils there isn't a big commitment. If you decide to update your wall decor, you can easily paint over your stenciled wall, and update it with another stencil. With wallpaper, you have to strip it off of the walls which is messy, time consuming and altogether a huge drag. The same thing goes for home decor projects. We have found some great wallpaper decor projects and provide beautiful stencil alternatives to get the same look.
Wallpaper Table Top - Get the Look with Stencils
We love the look of this table we found on
Better Homes and Gardens. Instead of dealing with messy glue, get a similar look with
Cutting Edge Stencils' Peony Grande stencil. You can buy stencils like the Peony Grande for as little as $13.95! Again, if you want to update your home decor, you can always just paint over your table-top and try a different stencil pattern in the future instead of making the commitment of glueing down wallpaper. Get the look without the hassle using stencils! Be sure to check out our detailed blog post and video on
how to stencil furniture so that you can be prepared for your next hassle free DIY home decor project.
DIY Decorative Shutters
These decorative shutters found on
Better Homes and Gardens are stunning! Want this look but can't afford expensive trendy wallpaper? Try Cutting Edge Stencils'
Damask Harmony stencil as an alternative. Once you are finished with this DIY home decor project, move on to the next! Unlike wallpaper, our
stencils are reusable so you can use your stencil for plenty projects to come.

Beautiful Wall Art
These wallpaper panels found on
Better Homes and Gardens add so much color and style to this room! Instead of going out and trying to find wallpaper that has the exact color and design you need for your space, use scrap paper or cheap craft paper and stencil it for the same look! Cutting Edge Stencils'
Peony Allover stencil and
Parsley Blooms stencils are a great alternative for the look we found on Better Homes and Gardens and you can customize the paint colors to match your room decor perfectly!
Interested in getting these looks? Here's what you can do next!
Thanks and stay tuned for more DIY stencil features!
Gabi and the
Cutting Edge Stencils Crew