Stenciling Your New Year's Resolution
DIY Stenciled Entryways Are Beautiful and Functional
Welcome back, my DIY friends! We hope you had a fantastic holiday and a very happy new year's celebration. Did you make any resolutions this year? Come on, be honest, you can share them with us. If Cutting Edge Stencils had to take a guess, we'd say organizing your home might be on that list. Are we right? Between the holidays, winter break, and a new year's eve party that still has the neighbors talking, we completely agree that an organization overhaul is very much needed. Now if you're thinking, but "I don't have the space," or "I don't have the budget," then we want you to put those worries aside. We have some awesome stenciled entryway examples that are sure to inspire even if space is limited and budgets are tight. So go ahead and say it out loud because 2014 is the year that you're going to get organized! Let's take a look at what some of our DIY blogger friends have been doing...
We'd like you to meet Natalie, the clever DIYer behind the blog Decordinated. Natalie felt overwhelmed with clutter when she walked into her home. She had a coat closet and a catch-all area but it was unattractive. That's when she thought, "Let's ditch the closet doors and create something way more useful, colorful and welcoming." For the walls, Natalie considered adding wallpaper but after searching and searching for just the right pattern, she was discouraged by the price. She quickly turned to stenciling as an alternative to wallpaper. Natalie chose our Nagoya Allover Stencil and painted the base coat a color similar to Benjamin Moore's marscapone AF-20. Then she stenciled the geometric pattern in a color similar to kendall charcoal HC-166. After the stencil was complete, she added a bench, a painted mirror and some hooks to create a beautiful and functional entry nook!
Do we have any Joss & Main fans out there? Well if the answer is yes, then we want you to know you're not alone! Meet Brittany, the DIYer behind the blog Simply Adapting. Brittany needed an area rug to complete the look of her mudroom. She had been not-so-secretly coveting the gorgeous area rugs on Joss & Main but she couldn't bring herself to spend $500 on a rug. After browsing on Pinterest one day, she stumbled upon our stenciled rug ideas. It was love at first site! She ordered our Marrakech Trellis pattern and then quickly snatched up a plain area rug at Home Depot for $19.89. She crafted herself a stylish yet inexpensive area rug for her mudroom. Way to go, Brittany!

How do you keep your entryway organized? Leave us a comment below!
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