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Everything You Need To Know To Paint A Floor With A Tile Stencil

Floor Stencils Can Give Builder Beige Tiles A New Look

Good morning, my Cutting Edge Stencils friends! Patterned tile floors are super trendy and also super pricey. Don't toss your tiled dreams aside before reading this painted floor tutorial! This project is an easy and affordable way to give your flooring a stylish look. Today we’re going to share how to enhance plain tile flooring with our Calista Tile Stencil. Come take a look... Cutting Edge Stencils shares everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. We'd like to introduce Erika, a creative DIYer from Cutting Edge Stencils. Erika had builder beige tiles. She longed for a pretty patterned floor similar to the ones she had seen in her Instagram feed. Since her budget was tight, Erika decided to paint and stencil her builder beige tiles. Here is a quick video tutorial for our visual fans.
Let's walk through all of the steps for this super easy project. She gathered up all of the materials for this project. Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. The first thing Erika did was clean her floor using Savogran Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) to ensure there wasn't any debris. She followed the instructions on the TSP packaging for cleaning. Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils.
Erika used blue painter's tape to tape along the edges of the floor. This would ensure she did not get paint onto her trim. Once the floor had been properly cleaned, Erika primed it using Stix Waterborne Bonding Primer by Insl-x. She used a foam roller to apply the paint and a paint brush to paint along the edges.
Cleaning and prepping the floor is key to completing a painted floor that will last for years.
Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils.
Two coats do the trick! STIX primer is perfect for a project like this. It adheres to the tile and provides a great base for painting and stenciling. Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. After the primer was dry, Erika applied her base coat of paint. She painted the base coat using Benjamin Moore Ben flat in Navajo White. Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Now she was ready to start stenciling. Erika chose our Calista Tile Stencil. Since her existing tiles were about 12 inches, Erika used the Large stencil pattern because it fit perfectly over her tile. The Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Erika sprayed the back of the stencil with repositionable spray adhesive. We like Stick It Spray It repositionable spray adhesive. You could use any respositionable spray adhesive that is typically found in a craft store like Michaels. Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Erika was ready to start stenciling! She placed the stencil pattern on top of the tile. She rolled her dense foam roller into the paint (Benjamin Moore New York State of Mind). She made sure the roller was evenly coated and then rolled off excess paint onto a piece of paper towel. Erika then painted the stencil pattern with the roller. Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. After each section was complete, Erika would un-tape the stencil and reposition so she could paint all of her tiles. Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. She applied two coats of blue paint over each stencil pattern. The paint dried rather quickly so this did not slow her down! Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Once the entire floor was stenciled, Erika applied a two coats of Varethane waterbased polyurethane to increase durability. Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Give the top coats time to dry and then step back to admire your beautiful work! We think she did an amazing job transforming builder beige tiles using a stencil and paint. Don't you agree? Everything you need to know to paint and stencil a floor using the Calista Tile Stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils. Tell us, in which room in your home would you stencil a floor? We'd love to read your thoughts in the comments below. Haven't had enough stencil fun?
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Thanks for reading and happy stenciling! Michelle and the Cutting Edge Stencils Crew

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